Generating a word cloud - Insight Cloud

The Insight Cloud use the cards of a workshop to display a word cloud and filter cards depending of a word.

Under the hood, the Insight Cloud use stemming to regroup words.

Display a word cloud

Click on Insight Cloud to display a word cloud.


  • Size: Adjust the size of the words depending of the content. You can enter your own value.
  • Locale: Choose the language of the workshop. Important for the stemming to works correctly. If you don't want any stemming, choose No specific locale.
  • Words to remove: Remove words from the word cloud. This use stemming to remove all occurences of the word.

The effects of stemming

If you choose a locale, a stemming algorithm will be applied to the content and common words of the language will the removed.

word cloud

Filter cards

To display cards that match a word, click on a word in the word cloud. We'll display the corresponding cards.

filter cards

  • In the top left, click on the arrow to go back to the wordcloud


You can filter with the available options in the display menu

New cards will be displayed when clicking on generate.

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